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Ham and Burrata Sandwich - Food with Mae-3

Ham and Burrata Sandwich

With Toasted Garlic and Baby Plum Tomatoes

We loved this sandwich! It’s creamy and full of flavours.

Adrian (hubby) and I have a little competition on who can make the best sandwich. To be honest I think it’s a close one because he makes great sandwiches too. I think the difference is that Adrian isn’t as generous with the fillings as I am! I love adding different things in my sandwich and this week I was feeling some burrata. I saw plenty of videos about the roasted garlic sandwiches so I combined the two and made this gorgeous Ham & Burrata Sandwich with roasted garlic and tomatoes. 

I hope you will enjoy this Sandwich as much as we have!

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Swap it & Common Questions

Bread – you can use any bread that you like, I used seeded brown loaf bread as I have those in my house at the time

Ham – I used italian hams but you can use any ham to you enjoy

Ham and Burrata Sandwich - Food with Mae-3


2 slices of bread
1 burrata ball
4 slices prosciutto
4 slices salami
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
2 pinch salt
2 pinch black pepper
2 lettuce leaves

Roasted Vegetables

8 garlic cloves
8 baby plum tomatoes
2 pinch of salt
1 pinch of black pepper
Olive oi



In a small oven friendly dish add garlic cloves, salt and olive oil, enough to cover the garlic. Next, in another oven friendly dish add tomatoes, salt, pepper and some olive oil. Mix them well together. Cook them in the oven for 15 minutes at 180C. Take it out and leave it on the side for later.


Toast your bread, smash some garlic then some tomatoes on top of the bread. Add half of the burrata and spread them for each slice. Then, sprinkle a little salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar for each bread. Place the ham on top of the burrata for each slice, then add the lettuce.


Put them together and cut them half. That’s it! Enjoy!

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