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Skinless Longganisa - Sweet and Garlic Pork Sausages - FoodwithMae-4

Longganisa Hamonado

Skinless Sweet & Garlic Pork Sausages

A popular Filipino sausage with regional variations, usually eaten for breakfast or lunch accompanied with garlic fried rice, fried eggs and salad or Atchara (pickle) on the side.

What is Longganisa?

This recipe is the hamonado version. It’s sweet, garlicky and salty. An easy recipe that you can make at home, perfect for freezing and versatile too. Longganisa has Spanish influences, seasoned with paprika, cinnamon, aniseed, garlic and vinegar BUT don’t get it confused with chorizo. Longganisa is fresh with no preservatives and should be cooked on the day or frozen for later.

There is wide a range of varieties of Longganisa although there are 2 main preferences to choose from. The first one is Longganisa de Recado which is spicy & garlicky, the most popular suasage makers are Bais in Dumaguete, Lucban in Quezon, Taal in Batangas, Dipolog, Tuguegarao, Cabanatuan, Calumpit, Batac and Vigan. The second one is Longganisa Hamonado which is sweet & salty, the most popular are the Longganisa of Bacolod, Cebu, San Pablo and Baguio. Apparently these maybe influenced by Malay and a sweeter Chinese sausage.

Let’s talk about the ingredients

Most of the ingredients are easily accessible but I understand that it might be tricky for some at the moment as we all try to get through the current situation. Do what you can with what is available to you. For example if you only have brown sugar at home that is also good to use. I know some people including myself couldn’t buy any minced meat, on my video (please see below) I showed how you can mince your pork. You can use pork belly or pork shoulder. This recipe is versatile, you can make with it chicken or beef too!

I love seeing all of your cooking! Please rate my recipe if you do use it and do tag me on instagram too @foodwithmae OR use my hashtag #foodwithmae OR #cookalongwithmae . It would really make my day =) Thank you so much! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to comment on here or message me.

Please subscribe to my Youtube channel if you haven’t already. Check out my channel for more Filipino recipe videos or my website. Enjoy the video below!

Skinless Longganisa - Sweet and Garlic Pork Sausages - FoodwithMae-4


500g minced pork
200g sugar (you can use any sugar)
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
You also need: grease proof paper cut into 14cm x 11cm and a container with a lid OR a medium size zip lock bag (freezer bag)



In a large bowl add all of the ingredients. Mix everything together well.


Take a piece of grease proof paper, using a spoon, scoop some longganisa meat, place it on the grease proof paper and roll it like a spring roll without folding the sides. If any meat does come out on the sides push it back in using your finger. Do this until all of the sausage meat is rolled.


Put them in a freezer bag or container with a lid and freeze them or you can cook them straight away!


In a frying pan, add some water and oil, turn the heat on medium and add the sausages. Put the lid on for 5 minutes, remove the lid and turn the sausages. Repeat this process until the water dissolves. Continue to cook the sausages until the sugar is caramelized and they turn golden brown.


It’s best served with garlic fried rice and fried eggs OR in brioche roll Or hotdog rolls. Enjoy!

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    • Jessa
    • 14/04/2020

    This is the best recipe of longganisa that I’ve tried! Thanks for sharing it to everyone.

      • foodwithmae
      • 14/04/2020

      Hi Jessa,
      Thank you so much for using my recipe and for leaving a comment.
      I appreciate it =) I’m glad you enjoyed the Longganisa!

      Ingat x Mae

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