Currently Browsing: Atchara 2 articles

Easy Carrots Atchara- FoodwithMae-3

Easy Carrots Pickle

Atchara / Atsara Atchara is a pickle condiment from the Philippines, it has a sweet and sour flavour. This side dish is normally paired with BBQ, Grilled and Fried dishes. What is Atchara Atchara or also known as Atsara is a popular condiment in the Philippines, usually with unripe green papaya and sometimes mixed with […]

Atsara na Pipino - Food with Mae 3

Atsara na Pipino

Easy Pickled Cucumber Perfect as a Side Dish or Condiment Atsara or Atchara is a popular pickled side dish or condiment on Filipino tables. It’s usually served with fried dishes or barbeque dishes. Atsara is traditionally made with green unripe papaya and sometimes with raisins. Some will make atsara with chillies and some will leave […]

Filipino Recipes and Family Recipes
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