Currently Browsing: Recipes 14 articles

One Pot Braised Pork

Easy Visayan Humba Make sure you cook plenty of rice for this dish because you’re going to need it! Humba is popular in Visaya, Central – Southern Philippines. It’s sometimes mistaken for Patatim because of a few similar ingredients but the main difference is that Patatim does not have any star anise or fermented black […]


Ginisang Monggo Na May Hipon

Mung Beans with Prawns What is Ginisang Monggo Ginisang Monggo is usually eaten on a friday and according to “this custom stems from the Philippines’ predominantly Catholic population, which refrains from eating meat during Friday every Lenten season. Catholics typically abstain from meat as a form of sacrifice, and monggo was a favorite substitute.” […]

Vegan Ginisang Monggo

Vegan Ginisang Monggo

No Meat Braised Mung Beans Ginisang Monggo is usually eaten on a friday and according to “this custom stems from the Philippines’ predominantly Catholic population, which refrains from eating meat during Friday every Lenten season. Catholics typically abstain from meat as a form of sacrifice, and monggo was a favorite substitute.” They also said […]

Sinangag - Garlic Rice - Food with Mae-5


Filipino Garlic Fried Rice What is Garlic Fried Rice? Filipino garlic fried rice is typically served for breakfast with Hotdogs or  Omelette. The  garlic elevates this simple fried rice recipe, giving the fried rice an amazing flavour, great with any Filipino dishes! If you haven’t tasted this before this is your sign.  Garlic rice is […]

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