Currently Browsing: Fish 2 articles

Escabeche na Pompano- FoodwithMae-1-3

Filipino Escabeche

Fried Pomfret with Sweet & Tangy Sauce What is Escabeche  The Origin story is nicely written by I was so fascinated by this information. The origin of the word “escabeche” is Persian. The Arabs brought the word “escabeche” to Spain in the 8th Century. The word is derived from “Al-sikbaj,” a popular meat dish […]


Fried Milk Fish with Garlic Rice

There is a popular breakfast or brunch concept in the Philippines and honestly I could eat it all day! The name basically consist of the main Meat or Vegetables in a plate plus garlic fried rice (sinangag) and fried egg (itlog). +Silog is Filipinos bento box! Haha! Milk fish is Bangus [bang-os] in Filipino language. […]

Filipino Recipes and Family Recipes
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