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Mercato Metropolitano

Foodwithmae and BPG

Hubby and I visited MM with our close friends Mr & Mrs BPG @bellyporkgang We tried some of the food and drinks they have available.

This was during the week before school holidays started so it’s pretty quiet but we liked that because it’s not busy and our kids are in school!

Here’s my honest independent reviews of the places we visited. For the full review please find the link to my blog on my Bio or profile.

Location was great! It’s 5 minutes away from Elephant and Castle on Bakerloo line. There are plenty of seats and little areas you can choose from. I love how there are so many plants there. There’s a few toilets around the place with 2-3 cubicles and sinks to wash your hands.

Service was generally good, some of the traders looked a bit grumpy like the West Indian Bake stall. Maybe they didn’t have a good start to their day as I saw someone fixing their oven. Although I probably would perk up quickly when I see a customer wanting to buy my food. A smile doesn’t cost anything. Most traders and staff were friendly but one of the security guards didn’t know if I was a man or a woman and asked which toilet I need !?!??? Hahaha!!

I hate saying this but I think most people will agree with me that everything is so expensive! In Asia market food or street food should be cheaper. I mean I know we are in London but still!

✨Argentinean Grill
Steak sandwich – this was okay. Steak was tough to eat, it was over cooked. I wouldn’t recommend this item. Although the bread was nicely toasted and the flavours were balanced.

✨Champagne and Fromage
Raclette cheese and potatoes – we enjoyed this the most! Worth getting 💜 cheese tasted great, it was nicely melted and the potatoes were cooked well. This was the highlight of our trip.

✨Little Sicily
Arancini – we love arancini and we visited Sicily a feed ago and ate proper authentic arancini there. This was disappointing tbh. For the price we paid for 1 it’s not worth getting. I have tried other places that cost the same but soo delicious.

✨West Indian Bake (Caribbean food)
Jerk chicken and Rice with dumpling – I enjoyed this dish, it was nice that it didn’t have any bones, the sauce was lovely and there’s enough heat without it being too spicy and the rice was nicely cooked. I have had better ones from other Caribbean food stalls. Dumpling was not so great, I found it tough to eat.
Wings – this was with guava sauce, it seems to me that it’s the same gravy as the jerk I had with rice. Not so impressed with this dish.

Frozen Margarita
Frozen Daquiri
Not worth the price😡 they served it in a small plastic cup (it felt like we are in an aunty party) both cost just under £10 😒 I thought they will serve it on a margarita glass and they didn’t Ben garnish properly so! I had to borrow mint from my friend’s drink 😩

✨ Sangria Pitcher
This seemed a better option when you are in a group.

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