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Sago’t Gulaman

Brown Sugar syrup drink with Tapioca Pearls and Strawberry Jelly.

What is Sago’t Gulaman

Sago’t Gulaman literally means tapioca pearls and jelly.  This delicious drink is something I remember getting as a kid while my parents bought groceries at the market. The street vendors will be on the side of the streets waiting around for customers to buy from them. There are all sorts of street food along the streets too. As a kid, this was my favourite drink, the one I had didn’t have strawberry jelly but a coloured red jelly. I tried to replicate it with strawberry flavoured jelly with this recipe.

Let’s talk ingredients

Most of the ingredients are easily accessible from your local grocery shop.

Jelly – I used strawberry jelly but you can use any flavoured jelly that you like.You can even add different flavour jelly if you like. You can also use the jelly sheets too and follow the instructions on the packet.

Tapioca pearls –  I used the classic tapioca pearls and this took ages to make. You can buy a packet of tapioca pearls that are easy to make but I find that they are more expensive. 

Brown Sugar – I used soft dark brown sugar. You can also use demerara sugar or light brown soft brown sugar.

Tip! When you caramelise the sugar and add water, don’t worry if they don’t merge together straight away. Keep the heat low and continue to cook them. The sugar will melt and combine with the water eventually. 

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200g-300g brown sugar
2 litres water for the drink
4 litres water for tapioca pearls
100g tapioca pearls
1 sachet strawberry jelly or any jelly flavour you like
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
ice cubes



In a large pot, add sugar, on low heat let it melt and caramelise. Add some water and continue to cook until all of the sugar has dissolved. Add the rest of the water and pour it into a jug and leave on the side to cool down.



Cook your tapioca peral first. If you’re using the fast coooking one. Pleae follow the instruction on the packet. In a pot pour 2 litres water, bring it to a boil and add tapioca pearls. Simmer it for 1 hour on low-medium heat covered with the lid stirring occasionally. If it dries out add more water. Turn the heat off and leave it in the pot until it cools down. Once cooled, strain and rinse the tapioca pearls. Put it back in an empty pot, pour 2 litres of water and bring it to a boil. Simmer it for 1 hour covered with the lid and stir it occasionally.


Once cooled, you can assemble your drink. First add the cooked tapioca pearls, some sugary water followed by some ice and to finish it off some jelly on top. That’s it! Enjoy!


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