Currently Browsing: Summer 12 articles

Ube-Iskrambol-FoodwithMae (2 of 3)


Milky Slushy with Purple Yam If I say school snacks what’s the first food comes to mind? I grew up in the Philippines and what I remember during school recess or break is this cold, sweet and colourful dessert. The vendor usually seen outside of schools and parks waiting for the students and young children […]

mangofloat (11 of 11)

No Bake Mango Float Cake

Philippine Mango also known as Carabao Mango named after native, domesticated water buffalo in Philippines. I think Philippine Mangoes are the sweetest and juiciest mangoes! Yep I know it’s a bold statements but I am confident that our native mangoes can stand against other popular mangoes. I wish they sell more of Philippine mangoes in […]

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