Currently Browsing: Prawns 4 articles
Fire Cracker Fried Rice with Prawns
A Meal in Minutes! Sometimes you don’t want to slave in the kitchen for a good meal and ordering food is too expensive. Here’s a lovely recipe that my whole family enjoyed. I know it sounds too spicy but it actially isn’t that spicy. My youngest daughter who is not keen on spicy food loved […]
Ginisang Monggo Na May Hipon
Mung Beans with Prawns What is Ginisang Monggo Ginisang Monggo is usually eaten on a friday and according to “this custom stems from the Philippines’ predominantly Catholic population, which refrains from eating meat during Friday every Lenten season. Catholics typically abstain from meat as a form of sacrifice, and monggo was a favorite substitute.” […]
Hipon sa Alamang at Butter
Prawns cooked in Burnt Butter and Shrimp Paste This is for my seafood lovers. The recipe for this dish is Filipino inspired seafood sauce and has a lot of flavours that will surely hit the spot! I like to make plenty and keep some in the fridge or freezer and use some in the future […]
Ginataan na Hipon
Creamy Prawns Cooked in Coconut Milk with Pumpkin and Green beans. Ginataan is a cooking method in the Philippines, it refers to cooking or braising with coconut milk or ‘Gata’. This cooking method has many varieties, from savoury dishes to sweet dishes. Each region will have their own variation as well as each household. Because […]