Currently Browsing: Winter Warmers 28 articles

Sinigang na Baboy - Food with Mae-2

Sinigang na Baboy

Sour Soup with Pork Belly, Tamarind and Vegetables

Humba- foodwithmae (3 of 3)

Leyte Humba

Oozing with savoury, sweet flavours and melt in your mouth pork bites, here’s my Braised Pork Belly in soy sauce and vinegar with salted black beans, palm sugar and star anise.  What is Humba? Let’s get this completely clear, Humba is NOT Adobo!  They both are braised with soy sauce and vinegar. Both have bay […]

SinigangNaButongBaboySaSampalok-foodwithmae (16 of 17) small

Sinigang na Buto ng Baboy sa Sampalok

Easy Sour Soup Pork Ribs braised in Tamarind paste Sinigang is a popular Filipino sour soup dish and one of my favorite foods when it’s gloomy and raining or cold in London Town. There are many variations to this dish just like Adobo. It can vary from the protein you use, either meat or fish […]

Pancit Molo - FoodwithMae (5 of 11)

Pancit Molo

Pork and Prawns Noodle Dumpling Soup. A Filipino version of Wonton Soup Okay okay…let’s get the most asked question about this dish out of the way. Why is it called Pancit (noodle) but it doesn’t have noodles? Well the answer is really simple and staring you right in the face! The wrappers are the noodles! […]

oxtail kare kare- FoodwithMae-7

Kare Kare

Oxtail Peanut Stew with Peanut Butter Kare kare is oxtail stew cooked with roasted & grounded peanuts, unsweetened Peanut Butter and vegetables served with white rice. A very comforting and delicious dish that Filipinos LOVE! What is Kare kare? [ka-ri-kari]  Kare Kare has a colourful history, pretty much the same as the Philippines history. There […]

Monggo Guisado - FoodwithMae-1-2

Ginisang Monggo na May Manok

Sautéed Mung Beans and Chicken with Spinach What is Ginisang Monggo Ginisang Monggo is usually eaten on a friday and according to “this custom stems from the Philippines’ predominantly Catholic population, which refrains from eating meat during Friday every Lenten season. Catholics typically abstain from meat as a form of sacrifice, and monggo was […]

Dinuguan-Blood Stew- FoodwithMae-8

Dinuguan at Puto sa Bigas

Black Pudding Stew with Steamed Rice Cake What is Dinuguan It is a stew of offal and meat, simmered in a rich gravy of pig’s blood, garlic, chili and vinegar. Dinuguan is also known as Chocolate stew, nicknamed to trick children and unknowing adults to eat it!. Which is probably not the best way to […]

Tinolang Tulya - FoodwithMae-6

Clams and Ginger Soup

Tinolang Tulya A simple yet comforting clams and ginger soup, eaten on it own or with some steamed jasmine rice. What is Tinolang Tulya Tinola is a classic Filipino dish enjoyed by Filipinos in and outside of the Philippines. Filipinos loves this dish as it’s comforting and delicious especially during rainy and cold months. Tinola […]

Kaldereta - FoodwithMae-4


A Hearty Beef & Liver Stew with Olives and Tomatoes *RECIPE UPDATED What is Kaldereta or Caldereta Kaldereta’s also known as Caldereta name is derived from the Spanish word caldera meaning cauldron. This dish is one of those dishes that was brought to the Philippines during the Spanish colonisation. The origin is not confirmed but […]

Ginataang Bili Bilo - FWM_-11

Bilo Bilo

Sticky Rice Balls Pudding in Coconut Milk Sweet creamy pudding with sticky rice balls cooked with fruits, sweet potatoes and tapioca pearls in coconut milk.  What is Ginataang Bilo Bilo? Also known as Binignit or Ginataang Halo Halo and it’s eaten as merienda or snacks and sometimes as a dessert during festivals and celebrations. The […]

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