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Frankfurter Puffs - Food with Mae- square

Frankfurter Puffs

Back to School Lunch Ideas

Mums and Dads, you have to make this for your little ones or big kids! Trust me, they will love it. 

Everytime I make this for my teens they always leave happy going to school knowing that they have a tasty lunch to look forward to. 

It’s easy to make and you only need 3 ingredients! Well, egg wash is optional but it makes the pastry look nice and golden when baked. It’s up to you really and what your child likes.

I hope you and your children enjoy this recipe. If you do make it please comment with this post and let me know!

Frankfurter Puffs - Food with Mae- square


5 frankfurter sausages
1 puff pastry sheet
4 tablespoons ketchup
1 egg (egg wash)



To make the egg wash, crack an egg into a bowl and mix it. Leave this on the side for later. 


Slice your frankfurter sausages in half and put it aside for later.


Lay your puff pastry flan on a surface and slice them into 10 pieces of mini sheets. Then, spread some ketchup on top. Place a sausage on each sheet and roll them. Do this to all the sausages. 


In a lined baking tray, place your sausages puffs and brush them with your egg wash.



Next, bake them in the oven for 180 fan oven, for 12-15 minutes. Take them out of the oven and let them cool down on the side. 


Put as many in your child’s pack lunch box and enjoy!

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