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One Pot Braised Pork

Easy Visayan Humba

Make sure you cook plenty of rice for this dish because you’re going to need it! Humba is popular in Visaya, Central – Southern Philippines. It’s sometimes mistaken for Patatim because of a few similar ingredients but the main difference is that Patatim does not have any star anise or fermented black beans and sometimes banana blossoms.

Back in December I went to visit my friend Ces in Netherlands, we started talking via Instagram and we wanted to do a collaboration Pop up but did not go through (as it happens sometimes) so instead I went to see her for a weekend trip on my own. It was nice because I could have a mini break without my family.

It was my first time to meet Ces, I was scared and nervous because I have never been to Amsterdam nor traveled on my own! I thought to myself, imagine if she didn’t turn up? Where am I going to sleep? That thought scared me but also the adventurous in me thought, get a hotel and enjoy Amsterdam on my own. After that thought I was excited, after many years of being with my husband then the kids came along I was never really had a chance to be on my own. So the idea was exciting at the same time. Fortunately, as the train from the airport arrived in Cetral Amsterdam I saw her! Phew! Hahaha!

While I was there Ces suggested that I can be make a guest appearance on her Youtube channel. Of course I agreed, any chance of cooking and eating I am there! I offered to cook Humba, the ingredients as easily accessible and it’s so easy to make.

Ohemgeeh! My face at the ending of the video looks like I am really enjoying what I cooked, I have rice oozing out of my mouth!

Thank you Ces and Lody for accommodating me, I was short but very enjoyable. I look forward to seeing you both soon!

Please follow Ces on Instagram @thisdeliciousside



500g pork shoulder or pork belly
250ml soy
125ml vinegar
180g sugar
80ml water
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
4 bay leaves
4 star anise
pinch of ground black pepper


Put all of the ingredients in a medium pot, mix all the ingredients well. Marinated for 1 hour on the side or overnight in the fridge.
If you left it marinating in the fridge, take it out and put on your cooker. Bring it boil on high heat, turn the heat to medium and simmer for 30-40 minutes. If you like your humba with less soup you can simmer for longer. This dish is best served with some rice.

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