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Pancit Canton - Chicken - FoodWithMae-5

Pancit Canton

Chicken Noodles with Mix Vegetables

What is Pancit

The name comes from the Hokkien “pian e sit,” which literally translates to “something conveniently cooked” (i.e., fast food). It probably arrived in our country as a Chinese trader’s baon meant to tide him over in his homesickness as he plied his wares to the natives. From

Then the name turned into Pancit or Pansit. It usually consist of noodles, meat or seafood and mixed vegetables. Today there are many different variations and localised noodle dishes. 

The origins of pancit go as far back as the 16th century as the world’s oldest Chinatown was founded in Manila, Philippines by Chinese traders and immigrants. From foodicles

Strangely enough, Pancit Canton has no roots whatsoever in Guangdong- formerly Canton- China. There has yet to be a conclusive explanation behind its misleading name, but it was most likely thought of by an enterprising pancitero seeking to lure in customers looking for an “authentic” Comida China experience. From

My recipe for Pancit Canton is what my family enjoys eating. I always cook this when we celebrate special occasions like birthdays. In every Filipino gathering, it’s guaranteed that you will see some kind Pancit on the table. It’s believed that the noodle will give us ‘longer life’ span when we eat it during special occasions . It’s almost like a healing food or blessing food that is shared with family and friends. 

I hope you will enjoy my recipe, please don’t forget to tag me if you do post your cooking on social media. Thank you!

Swap it & Common Questions 

Meat or Seafood – In this recipe I used chicken but you can also use pork and seafood like prawns. You can even mix pork and seafood too, this is not an uncommon thing to do. 

Green beans – you can swap this with stringless beans, this is what I usually used but my local shop didn’t have it so instead I’m using green beans. You can also use mange tout, this is a great alternative.

Asian cabbage – I love using asian cabbage but if your local shop don’t have this, you can swap it for pak choi too.

I can’t use Oyster sauce because I’m allergic. What can I use instead?

I recommend that you use a vegan fish sauce or Yondu, it’s a vegan seasoning.

Pancit Canton - Chicken - FoodWithMae-5


200g chicken breasts, cut into chunks
250g-300g fresh egg noodles
2 carrots, julianne
200g green beans, roughly chopped
½ asian cabbage, roughly chopped
1 medium onion, roughly chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
200ml water
4 tablespoons soy sauce
3-4 oyster sauce
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
2 tablespoons cooking oil



In a bowl, add water, soy sauce and oyster sauce. Mix them really well and leave this on the side for later.


Using a wok or frying pan, heat some oil, cook onions for 1 minute, then add the garlic and cook for another minute. Next, add the chicken and saute until the meat turns white in colour. Add carrots into the chicken, cook this for 3 minutes, then add the green beans and cook this for another 3-5 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked. Take the sauteed vegetable and chicken out of the wok and into a bowl. Put this aside for later.




Using the same wok, add the water and soy sauce mixture. Bring it to a boil on high heat. Once boiling, turn the heat to medium and add the fresh egg noodles. Let the noodles cook and soak up all the liquid. Once it’s dry, add the chopped asian cabbage, mix them well with the noodles and stir fry them for 3-5 minutes. 




Add the cooked chicken and vegetables that you made earlier. Continue to mix them and stir fry for another 5-8 minutes. You can taste your noodles at this point, add more salt or soy sauce if you want it more savoury. If you’re happy with the taste, you can serve it with a slice of lemon or calamansi.

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