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Spatchcock-Inihaw1-FWM (1 of 1)

Spatchcock Inihaw

BBQ Whole Chicken with Lemongrass

The word ‘Inihaw’ literally means to barbecue something. This is a very popular street food in the Philippines. You will see many barbecue stands on the side of the road each with their own inihaw recipe. You can see the smoke from the barbecue from a distance and the amazing smell from as you enter the street.

I wanted to give a spin a classic inihaw, it looks different but the taste and smell is still something familiar to you and me. Every time we go to Philippines this is one of the dishes that is amazing to take to the beach. I normally get up early in the morning to have my breakfast, pack our swimming bags ready and the most important thing to prepar food & drinks to take with us to the beach. As my family take a convoy of vehicles to the beach we would normally stop by the nearest town or city where we can buy ready cooked inihaw na manok or bbq chicken that my relative ordered in advance or sometimes its a last minute stop. Sometimes the beach resort hire out their bbq stand, you can bring your own marinated meat and fresh fish. A designated Uncle will man the bbq along with other uncles, dads and lolo (grandpa) . Mums and females are usually either looking after younger children and swimming or catching up with over food in the shade. Kids and Teens are happily swimming and playing around in the sea.

This an unorthodox of doing a spatchcock but I tend to bend the rules sometimes, this is because I actually like this part of the chicken and I think it’s best to stay in. I wanted to explain this to you before you get to the recipe part because you will notice that it’s slightly different. I kept the tail, backbone and neck of the chicken because they are my favourite parts and although you could still cook it beside the chicken, why not just keep it?! I cut along the breast instead and flattened the boned with the breast halved. You may have to crack bones connect to the thighs and ribs but it wasn’t hard. BUT if you are happy with cutting the tail along with the neck, go for it…the instructions are below too! Haha!

When you marinate your chicken the longer you leave it marinating the better it taste. You can make this the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight. Trust me it’s worth the wait! But if you can’t wait 2 hours or something is great too.

I served my spatchcock inihaw with some Atchara or pickle. I made some red cabbage pickle and green papaya pickle. For my atchara recipe here. You can use the same liquid base for red cabbage too.

Atchara – Green Papaya and Carrot Pickle

Easy Carrots Recipe Here

Pickled Green Papaya Here

I hope you enjoy using my recipe for Spatchcock Inihaw. If you do make it, please let me know how it went by tagging me in instagram @foodwithmae It will make my day! When you get a chance, can also leave a comment below and rate my recipe too! Thank you!

Spatchcock-Inihaw1-FWM (1 of 1)


1.8kg whole chicken
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
4 garlic, peeled and chopped
1 stem lemongrass, washed and chopped
10g annatto (achuete) powder, optional
2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 whole lemon, halved
1 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
1 tablespoon oil


Place the chicken on a chopping board or clean surface breast-side down, using a sharp scissors cut up along each side of the chicken’s tail and backbone to remove it. Flatten the chicken with the heel of your hands. Place the chicken in a dish and put it aside for later.
Add onion, garlic, lemongrass, annatto powder, soy sauce, squeezed lemon, salt, pepper and oil into a food processor. Blitz all the ingredients together.
Pour the marinade on the chicken making sure that all sides are covered. Marinate for 2 hours or overnight.
Oven grill: If your using an oven grill, place the chicken breast up on a baking tray with a rack so the juices will drip down while grilling. Grill for 30-40 minutes on medium heat. Turn it over and cook for another 30-40 minutes until the chicken is cooked through and juices runs clear. BBQ: If you’re cooking the chicken on a barbeque, place chicken ribs down first for 40-50minutes, turn the chicken and cook for another 30-40 minutes until the chicken is cooked through and runs clear.
Remove the chicken from the grill or bbq and leave it to rest for 10 minutes before cutting or serving.

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