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Charred Aubergine Omelette

Tortang Talong

A quick, very easy and simple dish to make! Perfect meal anytime of the day, eaten either with salad or some jasmine rice.

Aubergine and eggplant are the same but different species. When I was growing up in the Philippines this was one of the dishes that I learnt to make that my father let me independently cook. I think I was 10 years old at that time and I was so proud of myself because I cooked it well. My father thought it was too salty, maybe I was heavy handed on the salt but I didn’t burn it which is important. Of course in those days I couldn’t instagram my photos but it lived in my memory clearly as if it happened just yesterday, although my father is not around anymore it was one of my happiest memory of him. He still ate what I cooked as if it was the best thing he’s ever eaten! Haha! Poor him!

The most popular condiment with this dish is a combination of soy sauce and vinegar. I would say the ratio is 1:1 that’s the safe ratio I think. You can add chopped chillies, onions and garlic. I sometimes add some chopped tomatoes too because it gives the sauce a hint of sweetness which goes really nicely with aubergine.

I hope you enjoy making this dish! If you do cook this dish please don’t forget to tag me on instagram @foodwithae #foodwithmae It would definitely make my day!



2 aubergine
2 eggs
pinch of salt
pinch of ground black pepper
cooking oil


You can char aubergine in your grill oven or on a bbq or gas stove. Before cooking the aubergine or egg plants, poke it couple of times using a knife of fork. Cook until soft and the skin has separated from the flesh. Don’t worry if the skin is burnt it’s part of the process. Turn aubergine every so often. Take it out of the oven grill or bbq and let it cool down on the side.
Beat eggs in a bowl, season with salt and pepper. Leave on the side for later. Peel the skin off the aubergine leaving the stem, using a fork press and flatten the aubergine then add it into the eggs and mix well.
Heat some oil in a medium size frying pan, place one of the aubergines into the frying pan and pour some eggs on top leaving some for the other aubergine. Fry each side until golden brown. Do the same with the other aubergine. This dish is perfect with some salad and or rice.

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