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Ginataang Isda - FoodwithMae-2

Ginataan na Isda

Sea Bream Cooked in Coconut Milk with Squash and Green Beans

What is Ginataan na Isda

Ginataan is a type of stewed or braised Filipino dishes cooked with coconut milk. There are many varieties to this dish but the common ingredients are coconut and pumpkin or squash. The word “ginataan” (also spelled as guinataan) is a Filipino cooking method that involves coconut meat or cream. It literally means cooked in coconut milk.

‘Ginataan na Isda’ means fish cooked in coconut milk. I am specifically using Sea Bream for this recipe but you can use any fish you like. 

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Fish – I’m using Sea bream but you can use any fish you prefer. Many Filipino use Tilapia which is a popular choice.

Butternut Squash –  I used butternut squash with this recipe but you can use pumpkin if it’s available to you.

Ginataang Isda - FoodwithMae-2


800g – 1kg whole fish
1 onion
4 garlic
150g green beans
200g butternut squash or pumpkin
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon fish sauce
¼ teaspoon black pepper
1 can coconut milk
1 chili (optional)



In a medium size pot, heat some oil and cook onions for 1 minute until it turns translucent with brown sides. Next, add garlic, butternut squash (or pumpkin) and coconut milk. Bring it to a boil, season with salt, fish sauce and black pepper. Add the fish and at this stage you can add chili if you want your ginataan to have a little heat.




Place the lid and simmer for 15 minutes to cook the fish. Then, add green beans and continue to simmer until the green beans are cooked through for about 10 minutes. Once the beans are cooked, the ginataan is ready to serve with some rice.

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