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Flourless Banana Pancakes

Here’s a fantastic recipe for anyone who wants to be a little healthier or anyone who wants to try something new.

I wouldn’t call it a diet but I am definitely mindful about what I eat. I think it’s important that my children see me cooking all different types of food and ingredients. It’s also important for me that I teach them about nutritional values of food. I want them to have a healthy outlook on food and their bodies.



2 large ripe bananas
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon baking powder
cooking oil or coconut oil


Peel bananas and place them in a medium sized bowl. Using a fork, mash the bananas and it’s ok if it’s still lumpy. You could use a blender too if you like but this is a good method, plus less dirty dishes!
Crack the eggs into the bananas, add baking powder and vanilla essence. Mix all the ingredients well.
Heat some oil into a medium frying pan. Pour a spoonful of banana mixture into the pan, don’t make big pancakes as the pancake is delicate. Cook it until you see the edges turn brown, flip it over and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes. Be careful as the texture is delicate, it will hold but it’s not the same as the usual pancakes with flour. Do this until all the banana mixture is finished.
I served my banana pancakes with frozen blueberries, bananas and maple syrup.

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