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Easy Carrots Atchara- FoodwithMae-3

Easy Carrots Pickle

Atchara / Atsara

Atchara is a pickle condiment from the Philippines, it has a sweet and sour flavour. This side dish is normally paired with BBQ, Grilled and Fried dishes.

What is Atchara

Atchara or also known as Atsara is a popular condiment in the Philippines, usually with unripe green papaya and sometimes mixed with raisins. It has tangy yet sweet flavour and a crunchy texture from the papaya if homemade. It’s close to its neighboring asian country’s acar but with less spice. 

This side dish is perfect with BBQ’s meats and Fried dishes. I also found atchara that it goes nicely as one of your Burger or hotdog toppings and I even add atchara to my Salad too!

Let’s talk about Ingredients

I wanted to create a recipe that everyone can try and make some at home, Filipino food ingredients in general are usually easily accessible anyway but there are some dishes that might be accessible but some ingredients are expensive. Green papaya I believe is £7 a kilo and not everyone wants to part with that much money. So I used carrots for this recipe, there are many vegetables and fruits that you can use to pickle. Please see some examples below:

Here are some Vegetables and Fruits you can Pickle

  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Onions
  • Lemon
  • Garlic
  • Mango
  • Tomatoes
  • Green beans
  • Okra
  • Watermelon rind
  • Cauliflowers
  • Asparagus
  • Beetroots
  • Mushrooms
  • Parsnips
  • Peppers
  • Squash
  • Turnips
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Courgettes
  • Chilies

For the vinegar I used a Filipino brand ‘Datu Puti’ as this is what I like most in comparison to other brands but you can use anything you have in your cupboard or pantry. I bought my vinegar from Winh Yip.The other ingredients in this recipe are available from any grocery store. 

Easy Carrots Atchara- FoodwithMae-3


8 carrots or your choice of fruits or veg
1 thumb size ginger
250ml vinegar
150g sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon peppercorns
1 garlic (optional)
50g raisins (optional)



Prepare your vegetable or fruit of choice, you can slice it anyway you want.


In a small pot, add vinegar and let it boil slowly on low to medium heat, add sugar and let it dissolve.


Once the sugar dissolves add salt, ginger and peppercorns. Let it cool down on the side.


In a jar or container, add the vegetables or fruits that you want to pickle and pour cooled down vinegar mixture into the jar.


You can eat your Atchara straight away as a condiment. It’s perfect with BBQ, Fried and Roast dishes. You can keep your Atchara in the fridge up to 3 months Enjoy!

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