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Chicken Adobo Pate-FoodwithMae-1

Adobo Paté

Chicken Liver pate in soy and vinegar sauce

Filipinos go loco with Adobo! It’s probably the most popular dish and the most tried dish for those who are new to Filipino cuisine. I think the reason for this is that Adobo is simple to make and flavourful when done right. So Filipinos tend to cook this dish more, it’s like a fail safe! HAHA!! I can’t even begin to count how many different recipes for Adobo there are because there are regional versions as well as each Filipino household having their own way of making Adobo.

My Adobo pate is a modern take on the traditional adobo. It’s a great snack as a dip when you have friends over or entertaining guests. I previously served adobo pate in my supperclubs as an appetiser when my guests arrived. It was served on mini bilinis (very small pancakes) with a coriander leaf on top. I really like this combo as it’s a lovely finger food to serve and the coriander brought something fresh to the flavour. I know there are some people who are into coriander which is fine, you can use spring onions instead.

I kept the marinating part like the traditional way as I wanted the flavours to really stick to the liver. You can even marinate it the night before you make your pate too!

I hope you will enjoy my recipe for Adobo Pate. If you do make it, it would make my day if you tag me on my instagram @foodwithmae I would love to see your Adobo Pate. Thank you!

Chicken Adobo Pate-FoodwithMae-1


200g chicken liver
60ml soy sauce
60ml vinegar
½ onion
4 bay leaves
3 garlic cloves
250g unsalted butter
a pinch black pepper
1 tablespoon oil


In a container, marinate the liver with soy sauce, vinegar, some garlic (leave some for later) and black pepper. Mix them all together, cover it and leave it to marinate in the fridge for 1 hour.
Take the liver out of the fridge. Heat some oil in a pan. Saute onion for 1 minute, add garlic, cook for 1 and add bay leaves for another minute.  
Add liver into the pan without the marinade and cook for 3 minutes. Next, pour marinade into the pan and simmer with the lid on for 10-15 minutes. Take out the bay leaves and put the liver adobo on the side.  
Using a food processor, put the adobo and unsalted butter (leaving 20g for later) into the food processor. Blitz it until smooth and pour it into a container. Melt the remaining butter in the microwave and pour it over the pate. Leave it to cool down before serving or putting it in the fridge.

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