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Avocado Ice Cream - Strawberry Jam - foodwithMae small

Avocado & Strawberry Jam Ice Cream

No Churn Ice Cream with just 4 ingredients that is easy to make and everyone would love it!

Avocado Ice Cream - Strawberry Jam - foodwithMae small


2 large ripe avocados
600ml double cream
1 can of condensed milk
Strawberry jam ( add as much as you like)



Take the stone out of the avocados, scoop the meat out into a bowl and blitz them until you get a paste consistency. Put aside for later.



In a large bowl, add cream and condensed milk. Using an electric hand mixer mix them well but not until it’s thick. Add avocado and mix it again this time until it’s a little thicker but before soft peak.



Transfer the avocado mixture into a container with a lid spoon some strawberry jam onto the mixture, add as much or as little as you want. Bury them and put the lid on. Freeze for 8 hours or overnight.



Take it out of the freezer and enjoy them in a cone or scoop them in a bowl!

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