Ginisang Sitaw sa Tausi
Stir Fried Green Beans with Salted Black Beans
This dish is a delicious, no fuss and quick to make dish. I never realised how much my mum influenced my cooking too. Many of you might know that my Papa (Pepe) taught me how to cook Filipino food and inspired my cooking since I was a child. But my mama has also influenced the way I cook. One of the ingredients my mum introduced to me was fermented black beans. My mama loves salty food, too salty for my liking but she loves it! Mind you, my mama is more of a baker than a cook. I didn’t see her cook a dish with salted black beans, rather she used it as a condiment with her food. When I used to live with her I still did most of the cooking, no change there! Haha!!

Fermented black beans are a great alternative to salt and give the depth of flavours and umami. Some of you might be doing a Veganuary, this is a great dish for you to try. I ate this with some rice and crispy garlic toppings. You can add some chopped herbs too or spring onions too as toppings if you don’t have any crispy garlic.

In a frying pan, heat some oil, saute the onions for a minute or until it turns translucent. Add bay leaves, garlic and cook for another minute.
Next, add green beans and chopped chillies into the frying pan. Give it a good mix. Then add the salted black beans and sauce into the green beans. Continue cooking the beans for another 7 minutes until it’s cooked through. Depending how you like your beans you can take it out while it’s still a little crunchy or you can cook it until it’s soft but definitely while it is still green.
Take off the heat, it’s best served with some rice or you can serve this dish as a side to compliment your meal.
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