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Pancakes - Food with Mae-28

Japanese Souffle Pancakes

This fluffy pancake is one of our favourites! We like to add butter with maple syrup or butter and nutella or butter and biscoff. Sometimes some bacon too!! 

I must admit..this recipe was a challenge for me and I did 3 tries to get it right and made my own tweaks. On my first try, my baking powder had already expired so…it didn’t rise haha. I also used the wrong frying pan and it got stuck. The second try, I didn’t cook it enough so the middle part was not cooked through. Both still tasted delicious and we still ate it, no waste!

The final try I tweaked the recipe, I lessened the milk, I added more egg white and I saw someone adding corn flour to the meringue to keep the form. Which worked! The end batter should hold form not runny or soft peaks. 


  • When measuring the flour make sure you measure it accurately with measuring tablespoons. You have to scrape off the excess flour on top. 
  • Depending on how thick your scoop is, you can cook it longer if you think it’s not cooked through yet
  • Using a frying pan is good but if you have an electric flat cooker that might be better as it can regulate the heat better.
  • If you want it to look like the cafe pancakes, I cut out some baking paper or parchment paper, make it into a cylinder shape and tape the end to hold them together. Pour the pancake batter there and cook it the same as when you scoop the batter. The measurement for mine is 1.5-2 inches x 9 inches. You can make it longer or shorter if you like. 

Pancakes - Food with Mae-28


2 large egg yolk
1 tablespoon milk
3 tablespoons flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla


3 large egg whites
½ cream of tartar
1 teaspoon corn flour
30g sugar



Combine wet ingredients egg yolk, milk , vanilla and mix them well. Next, add baking powder to the flour, sift them into the wet mixture and mix them really well. Put the mixture aside for later. 


Next, add cream of tartar in the egg white and whisk using an electric whisk. Add the sugar in 3 batches while  whisking the egg white until the meringue has a hard peak. 


Take ¼ of the marique and mix it with the flour mixture. Then add the rest of the meringue and fold it gently to keep most of the bubbles. 


Lightly oil the pan and wipe off the excess oil. Scoop or pipe some pancake mixture into the pan. Add a teaspoon of water around the batter and put the lid on your pan. Cook for 3-5 mins. Flip the pancake carefully, add a teaspoon of water around the batter and steam cook for another 3-5 minutes. If you want to use the baking paper that I used in the video you can see how I cut them above.


Take the pancake off the pan and serve immediately, add your favourite toppings and enjoy! 

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