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Easy Chilli Con Carne- Food with Mae-11

Easy Chilli con Carne

I’m sure there are tons of different Chilli con carne recipes out there. This is the easiest and quickest recipe I have made so far. A recipe that works for me and my family.

I like to prepare meals for my family so it saves us from ordering takeaway food which in the long run saves money and it’s far more healthier because I know what goes into our food. 

I have always been conscious about what we eat. I was a gym rat for at least 10 years after my youngest (Miss E) was born. I wanted to have a female body builder body so I looked into being more conscious with what we ate. I did so many embarrassing poses in front of the mirror that I care to mention and I will spare you from seeing it,  it’s too embarrassing. What I learned about myself is that eating food is far more stronger than my will to have a bodybuilder body. I managed to bulk up little by little but I never managed to cut down the fat. HAHA!  

However, I learnt to prepare meals in advance and look at ingredients in a different way. Single ingredients are far better, fresh ingredients are tastier and for me no to “no fat” ingredients. I now prepare meals for my family because it makes our lives easier and I can guarantee that we have great lunch meals and some dinners too.

This is a fabulous Chilli con carne and I think you will enjoy this recipe too!

If you do make this, please let me know what you think by commenting. 

Easy Chilli Con Carne- Food with Mae-11


500g minced beef
1-2 tablespoons tomato paste
600ml passata
1 onion
6 garlic
2 tablespoons smokey paprika
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon dried coriander
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 beef cube
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 can red beans
Cooking oil
Fresh coriander for garnish (optional)



In a medium size pot, heat some oil and saute onions and garlic. Then add the minced beef and tomato paste. Cook for 2-3 minutes. 



Next, add passata, paprika, cumin, oregano, dried coriander, cayenne pepper, beef cube, salt and black pepper. Mix them all well and bring it to a boil on high heat. Once boiling, lower the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes. 



Add the red beans, mix the chilli con carne and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. 



Now it’s ready! Serve with some rice topped with fresh coriander. 

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