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Fried Milk Fish with Garlic Rice

There is a popular breakfast or brunch concept in the Philippines and honestly I could eat it all day! The name basically consist of the main Meat or Vegetables in a plate plus garlic fried rice (sinangag) and fried egg (itlog). +Silog is Filipinos bento box! Haha!

Milk fish is Bangus [bang-os] in Filipino language. Aside from being fried this very popular fish is also made into soup like Sinigang [si-ni-gang] a tangy soup (don’t get it confused with fried rice) or a fish stew called Paksiw [pak-se-ew] a stew with salt and vinegar or sometimes it’s simply cooked into Nilaga [ni-la-ga] a fish broth soup with vegetables.

Bang= Bangus (milk fish) + Si = Sinangag (fried rice) + Log = Itlog (egg or fried egg) put together is Bangsilog 😂 It’s pretty cool actually.

There are other Silog dishes too! Tapsilog (cured beef), Tocilog (cured sweet pork), Longsilog (sausages) and more! It’s a complete meal!



1 deboned milk fish
3 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 a lemon or 1 tbsp kalamansi
1 pinch ground black pepper


Place fish in a plate or bowl, add soy, lemon and black pepper leave it to marinate for 30 minutes to 1 hours. Overnight is also good, the longer it marinates the tastier!
Using a medium frying pan, heat up the oil. Fry the milk fish until crisp and golden brown on each side.
It’s best served with garlic fried rice, fried rice and fried eggs.

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