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Sotanghon with Sardines Noodle Soup - Food with Mae-9

Sotanghon at Sardinas

Vermicelli with Sardines Noodle Soup

As a working mum, I know the struggle of getting home and still have to worry about what to have for dinner. This noodle dish is a complete meal done in 20 minutes!

I have 2 daughters who are not always keen on eating seafood and surprisingly enjoyed this meal a lot. That’s telling something for sure.

This dish is something that I saw a lot when I was growing up in the Philippines. My late papa made lots of different dishes using sardines. He was very creative when it came to cooking delicious food for me and my sister. I was a little fussy and was very skinny when I was little so anything that I enjoyed eating my papa would cook that again and again. So this dish is a little homage to my papa.  

Pro tip: chop and measure the ingredients in advance for easy cooking and faster!

Sotanghon with Sardines Noodle Soup - Food with Mae-9


2 small packets of vermicelli noodles
1 medium onion
4 garlic
2 eggs
1 tin sardines in tomato sauce
1 carrots
1 bulb pak choi
1 courgette
1-2 teaspoons salt
1 pinch black pepper
1 litre water



First heat some oil in a pan, add onions and garlic. Cook for a minute then add all the vegetables apart from pak choi. Stir fry the veggies for 2 minutes then add water.


Season your soup with salt & pepper, then add the noodles and remember the sardines have seasoning too so don’t add too much salt. Mix them well



Then add the eggs and let it cook for another minute, you can mix the eggs or leave it, it’s up to you. Add the pak choi and cook for another minute.




Now it’s ready! Best served while it’s hot.

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