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Pork Belly Sisig-DonPapaRum-Collab-FoodwithMae

Sizzling Pork Belly


Twice cooked pork belly, it’s cooked in the oven first, then stir fried and served on a hot plate with eggs. This dish is a perfect sharer eaten with rice or on it’s own.

What is Sisig

Sisig is one of my favourite side dishes (although not served in a small plate) and it can be eaten as a main dish too. Traditionally this dish is cooked with pig’s head including the brain. The pork’s head is bbq first, then the meat is taken off the bone, the meat & fat are diced in small pieces and the brain is put in a bowl for later use. The meat are then stir fried, adding the brain last to make it creamy and served on a hot plate topped with eggs.

Today there are many variations to this dish. This recipe I used pork belly as I can’t get pork’s head from my butcher.

Pork Belly Sisig paired with Don Papa Rum Cocktail ‘Don Quarantina’

My Pork Belly Sisig went really well with Don Papa’s coach cocktail ‘Don Quaratina’ Here’s the recipe for the cocktail: 50ml Don Papa rum, 15ml fresh lime juice, 15ml Licor de Maracuja, Ginger Ale top.

Pork Belly Sisig-DonPapaRum-Collab-FoodwithMae


500g pork belly
60g soy sauce
1 ½ fresh lemon, chopped
1 onion
4 garlic cloves, chopped
60ml mayonnaise
1 birds eye chilli
1 red chilli
2 stems spring onions
2 pinch salt
2 pinch pepper
2 tablespoon cooking oil


In a bowl season your pork with half of the soy sauce, whole lemon, half of the garlic, a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper. Blast cook it in the oven in a tray with a rack for 30 minutes on 200C fan oven.
Take the pork out of the oven and leave it to cool, once cooled, chop them all into small pieces or cubes.
In a frying pan, heat some oil on medium heat. Add most of the onions leaving some for garnish, cook for 1 minute then add the rest of garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add chopped pork belly and stir fry for about 5 minutes on medium heat. You can turn the heat up at this stage if you like. Next, add the rest of the soy sauce, mayonnaise and chillies leaving some for garnish. Cook for another 8 minutes.
You can serve your sisig in a hot plate or you can keep it in the frying pan. Make 2 craters in the sisig, crack eggs into each crater and garnish your sisig with the rest of the onions, chilies and lemon. It’s best served as a side dish on its own or with some boiled rice. Enjoy!

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