Tokwa’t Baboy
Fried Tofu and Braised Pork with Savoury and Sweet Sauce. Usually eaten as a side dish or small plates with beer or you can eat it as a meal too!

What is Tokwa’t Baboy?
Tokwa’t Baboy literally translates to Tofu (tokwa) (‘t) and Pork (baboy). This dish is popular as a pulatan or food eaten with beer BUT you can eat this as a meal too with some rice. It can also be eaten with lugaw, it’s rice porridge, pretty similar to congee. Usually, pig’s ears and pork belly are used to make tokwat baboy. The meat is boiled or steamed or braised until tender and then mixed with fried tofu. Then sauce is poured all over it or you can dip as you go along.

Let’s talk ingredients
Tofu – I used firm tofu for this dish. I let it soak into the kitchen tissue first before frying to get rid of the water before frying. You can cover it in flour too if you like but I didn’t need to do it this time.
Pork Belly – I used pork belly with this recipe as it’s easily accessible to me. If you can get pig ears you can add that too. I boiled and braised it for a long time with some salt and spices to make sure that the pork would be tasty on it’s own too. TIP! I kept the braised soup in the freezer and will use it as a stock next time I cook something.
Dip – for the dip I added some sugar in mine, I like to balance salty and sweet in this one. I know this has vinegar too but the flavour stays at the back of the palate but it’s there.
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Dipping Sauce
In a large pot add water, bring to a boil. Once it’s boiling add bay leaves, onions, pepper corns, garlic, pork belly and 1 tablespoon salt, then bring it to a boil again. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 1.5 – 2 hours. The pork should be soft, take it out of the water and let it drain on the side to cool down.
While you wait for the pork to soften and cook. Prepare the tofu, drain the water out and take it out of the packaging. Place it on a plate with kitchen tissue at the bottom and put another plate on top of the tofu as a makeweight to help drain more water out. Leave it on the side for about 10 minutes. Take the kitchen tissue off the tofu and slice them across but not too thin. Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the tofu until each side is a little brown and hardened. Take them off the heat, placing them on top of a kitchen tissue to drain the extra oil off. Leave them on the side to cool down. Once cool, slice them into cubes and leave it on the side for later.
To make the dipping sauce, in a bowl add soy sauce, vinegar, salt, half of the sliced onions, garlic and some ground pepper. Mix them all together until combined.
Slice pork into small or bite size cubes. In a bowl add porl, cubed tofu, chive, the rest of the onions, spring onion and chillies. Mix them all well. That’s it! Serve cold with the dipping sauce on the side. You can also eat this with some rice as a meal.
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