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Piña Hamondo

Roast Ham with Pineapple

Pinya or Pineapple is an abundant fruit in the Philippines. It’s not only used for food but it’s also used for textiles and the pineapple leaves are even used as an alternative to leather! Just like pineapple, Filipinos love pork! I made Hamondao for our Christmas dinner and it was a hit with the family. This week I am making Hamonado again for Mother’s Day this Sunday. Of course you can cook this on any other day too.

Normally we would eat this with rice but this time I am serving it the English way with roast potatoes, stuffing, Yorkshire pudding, steamed vegetables and gravy. I can taste it already while I type hmmmm…..haha!

This dish brings that tropical feeling you have when you are on holiday in the Philippines, now all I need is some more sun…this Sunday roast is a great introduction to Spring. I am so happy to see the sun recently, British people are happier and I’m more productive when the sun is out.

When you boil the ham in pineapple juice, make sure to fully cover the ham with the juice (not like in the picture below) this will cook the ham evenly. For the photo purposes I didn’t fill it up to show the spices on top of the ham, I dunno, I was trying to be artistic with my photography…haha!



1.3kg cured ham
1 1/2 litres pineapple juice
4 bayleaves
4 star anise
1 teaspoon whole black pepper corn
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teaspoon salt
150g sugar
fresh pineapple slices



Place ham in a medium size pot, pour pineapple juice, add bayleaves, star anise, garlic and black pepper. Bring the juice to boil on high heat, turn the heat to medium and simmer for 30 minutes.


Take out ham and place it onto an oven tray with a rack. Heat the oven to 160 fan/ 350 F / 4 Gas. Continue cooking the remaining pineapple juice, add sugar and reduce the sauce by half.


Put ham into the oven and roast for 20 minutes. Take it out of the oven and glaze it with the pineapple sauce using a brush. Put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the glazing process until it’s golden brown, then let sit on the side.


Grill pineapple slices or if you have a griddle pan you can use that too. Once nicely charred, serve alongside the sliced ham

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